Saturday, May 1, 2010

So far behind...

I haven't updated in so long i'm afraid of how long a post I should write to bring you up to speed. My mother has turned verbally abusive towards my blog because I haven't updated anything. i'm afraid if I don't put something on here she may actually come after me with an axe.

Anne's out of town, in NYC for the weekend with her Mom. I've got the girls all to myself and we're having a BLAST. I was bummed because we were going to take the boat to dinner tonight but the battery was dead...typical I'm told, but the first time in 5 years of owning it that we've encountered that. We went to the newly updated skis hores and had a great time. Mom, Cole, Cross, Cannon and Mary joined us.

Don't worry about me, i'm not only surviving but I'm thriving. We had a non-stop day with errands to turn lights on at a listing, 2 runs to the bank, Chick-fil-a for lunch and 30 minutes on their play ground. A jaunt to the mall for a little cookie and a tempting outing to the Apple store for an upgraded computer (i'm out of space due to all my pictures and time for a new one!). Hoem for 2 hour naps then back at it again for dinner. Girls were in bed by 8:30 and 9:00 which isn't too bad for me...a little late but we had to do ice cream and spend about 20 minutes playing in the bubble bath...which is an excused absence as far as i'm concerned.

Funny side the mall today Tatum said to me: "Daddy, I want to look at clothes." I told her we didn't have time and she stuttered and said "no, Daddy, no don't worry. I don't want to buy anything. I just want to look." WTF!? She's 3. This is so unfair. I dont' know where this comes from or who puts this in her head but I will absolutely go broke with these girls. I'll never be able to say no.

A few fun pics of the evening....