Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day Delay...

I need to reset everyone's expectations and make this a monthly blog instead of a weekly thing...that way you will be excited to see one if I get them done more frequently.

Things are great and the family is happy. Tinsley is incredible. She gets bigger and bigger but the thing that amazes us the most is her attitude. She's the most smiling baby I think anyone has seen. All you have to do is make eye contact with her and she gets a huge grin and follows it but an excited snort. It's awesome. I'm really starting to connect with her and be at a point where I can hang out with her and she doesn't have to be next to Anne all the time. This week I bathed her for the first time which was a real treat. I forgot how easy it is to bath the little ones...when they cant squirm and talk back to you! I gave her a bottle and read her to bed. She just looks up at you when you set her in her crib and gives you the happiest little grin as if there's no place in the world she'd rather be than looking at you and going to sleep. Last night (Valentines Night) she woke up crying...which NEVER happens. Anne let me go up and get her out of the crib and give her a bottle and put her back to sleep. It was probably the greatest moment I've had with Tin yet. I really felt like a Dad. It was about 11:00 and I was rocking her and whispering to her about all the wonderful things we have ahead of us together and giving her a bottle. She stopped sucking and I just held her against my chest with her head resting on my shoulder. I was just laughing to myself thinking "I really feel like a Dad today", rocking my little girl to sleep on a Saturday night. It was probably my favorite Valentines Day moment.

Today was a big day for Tinsley. She got her first "real" food. Rice cereal. Anne decided since she's woken up in the middle of the night for 2 consecutive nights that maybe it was that she was hungry. So today started a new page in Tinsley's life. She seemed a bit confused as to how the whole process worked but Anne managed to get a healthy portion of food in her and she's been sawing logs all night long. Anne really knows how to take care of these girls. I couldn't imagine doing it without her!

Tatum is starting to exhibit some of her wonderful 2 year old antics. She jumps and pouts and says "no" a lot and has her list of demands. I creator at everything she says but her Mama doesn't play by those rules. it's funny to watch the two of them negotiate through something...because pretty much neither one of them plans on budging. Anne's great about diverting Tatum's attention to something else but Tatum has the memory of an elephant and seldom lets an issue go without coming back to her main point. Especially when it comes to "chokit" (chocolate). She has a sweet tooth as big as mine. I'm glad Anne watches a little more carefully and keeps her away from it more than I do. I just want to keep buying it for her and letting her enjoy it, though I know it's not a good habit.

I've got a lot more I need to write but it would be too much for one sitting. Here's some pics to bring you up to speed...

A cute profile of Tinsley

Tatum and I made some "chokit" brownies together. She got to lick the bowl...of course.

I'm holding on to this until her wedding day. She found some mesh sack and put it over her head like a veil.

First haircut! Kodak moment! Anne found the greatest place called something like Pigtails and Crewcuts or something. The kids all sit in these model cars or airplanes while they get a trim. Tatum threw a fit at first and I thought we were in for a mess. The stylist said "just wait" and offered Tots a lollipop. She didn't make another sound...she just sat and enjoyed her lollipop. Her hair looked so cute when we left the place...all styled and a little bit of curl in the back.

My 2nd day out with both girls by myself. A few weeks ago I took both of them to the trail and walked 3 miles. Today I took them both to a Valentines Day Party with my ACDC (Austin Cool Dads Club) group. We had a great time and most importantly survived. I love that in this picture Tatum is taking about 7 diapers with case Daddy needs a few extras I suppose!?

Tinsley all decked out for Valentines Day.

Tatum dressed for her Valentines Day party at school. At her party she got a "Bettyboon" (Balloon)...I got it on video when she says it. It's so sweet.

Finally a picture of me smiling with Tinsley! I can't remember what the occasion was here but I'm sure it was an important moment. Every picture I get with TinTin isn't good of me. I'm glad to finally get a good one.

Anne's Grandfather turned 90 last weekend and came to Austin along with all the rest of the family. This is him with all his great-grandchildren. Pretty cool. Tatum's in the middle and Tinsley is in G-Paw's lap on the left.

Anne and Tinsley at Horseshoe Bay getting ready for Sunday brunch.

Tatum discovered fishing! Uncle J. put a pole in her hand and very patiently threw the line out time and time again for her and Natalie. Nobody caught a fish but they sure had a good time. Nettie is excited to see that Tatum took to the fishing pole.

Every now and then a picture really freaks me out because it looks like a picture of me when I was little. This is one of them. She had a great time riding around her little pink car at Pippy and Poppy's house.

I asked her to smile and this is what I got...

A sad week around the Shfilet house. I sold my Ferrari and my truck. We're thinning out what we can so we can make it through what may be some lean months ahead...I really hate selling both of these cars but I feel better knowing we don't have to worry about them. a tear...

You must admit...this truck is a bit too bad ass for me. It made me feel pretty cool though.

Tatum hanging out with one of her BFF's, Gyllian. Gyl is amazing with the girls...we all wish she'd move in with us!

I love this pic too! She looks kind of helpless climbing up the there's a whole world to explore and she's going to do it.

I love how she looks like such a carefree little thing here just swinging and enjoying the day.

I'm not sure if she was offering to share her cupcake with me or was asking me to take the paper wrapper off. I'm guessing the later of the 2.

Check this picture out. Those pig tails in the air say it all don't they. Tatum LOVES the bounce houses.

This was a fun moment. Tatum just snuggled up to Tinsley and let me snap away. They were both so calm and happy and I got some great shots of them together.

She loves her Bumbo. She's developing such a strong back and really getting good at sitting up and holding that head up...she's been doing that a while now.

Tatum pulled a flower out of an arrangement I bought. She wanted to give a flower to Mommy. She's a thoughtful little girl.

My Dad is really starting to go crazy for the grandkids. It's so fun to see him interact with the girls. He's a softy and I think is going to be a total pushover....awesome! I'm teaching Tatum to say "m-e-r-c-e-d-e-s." We'll see how much we can get away with. Can you say "college?" He's painting Tatum's fingernails in this picture. Mom said Dad was always good with fingernails because he has hands used to drawing and working with little architecture tools. He did a great Tatum said anyway. I think Anne was glad to have someone help with her maintenance schedule.

Anne pretty much takes a picture of Tinsley every say. She's always making funny crazy faces.

This would be me falling asleep on the job. You can see Tinsley is quite concerned by the fact that I'm not more alert when I'm watching her!

Anne took this picture and I just like it for some reason. Looks like Tatums saying "What's have I got myself in to!?"

1 comment:

none said...

Truly great photos.... just the best. I feel almost caught up with what I've been missing!