Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Tatum is in to saying "ewe" when she sees something that disgusts her...poopoo, dirty feet, dirty hands, naked parent getting out of the shower...whenever the need arises, she's got her "ewe" down pat and you clearly know she's bothered by what she's seeing or experiencing. So...in honor of her word, I'm calling it Tewesday.

My favorite thing every morning is when Tatum comes running in to our bedroom all dressed for "kool" (school). All I hear is her on the baby monitor yelling at Annie "i unt Daddy" and then hear her feet heavily racing down the long hallway. I hear the door knob clank a couple times as she negotiates getting it open and then her successful giggles as she clears our bedroom threshold. Over the foot of our bed all I see are her pigtails bouncing up and down and am greeted by her smiling face around the corner of the footboard, huge crooked tooth grin and arms spread towards the heavens to give me a bear hug. It's my drug of choice every morning. I usually lay in bed making myself later than I normally am waiting for it. It's the best. I got my morning fix and got my hug and kiss and she exclaimed "toast!" and ran to her mama for breakfast. She disappeared until I got home from work tonight.

We had fun playing in the family room and all ate Chinese dinner together. We don't eat together all that often and need to change that. I've heard so many times all the benefits of a family eating together and I love doing it. We need to do it more...I have such a hard time eating at 6:30...I've always been a 10:00 dinner kind of guy. Oh well...kids change everything, right? All during dinner, Tatum kept saying "I unt PawPaw" and I promised her we'd go see PawPaw (my Dad) and Boo (dog) as soon as she was finished. Dad was at Thistle Cafe and didn't know I was coming...I snuck in the restaurant and pointed him out to Tatum and she ran over to him and bear hugged his belly while he was sitting at the table and surprised him. it was so fun to see how excited he was to see her. She loves seeing him and we really try and make it by once a week. After a quick visit, we went to see Netty (my Mom) but missed her and so headed on home. Once back home Tots demanded to "wing" (swing) and I took her out. Look at the before (mad, take me out and wing!) pics...

and the after..."sank you" pics once she's in the swing...

I love pushing her. it's kind of therapudic for both of us I think. Sometimes she'll go for 10 minutes without saying a word, just swinging. It's fun ot just push her and feel her weight cutting through the air.

I love messing with her hair in the shower and giving her all kinds of mohawks, spikes, etc. Basically I do anything to avoid looking at her damn mullet. Surely one day her front will catch up with her back and we can get rid of that Kentucky Waterfall. Annie bathed her tonight and I snapped the pic of her hair spike.

She gave me a "nigh night" and is now upstairs sawing logs and I'm excited to go to sleep myself so I can see her rerun her morning routine again tomorrow.

Nigh night...


Anonymous said...

Impressed with your writing-seriously!

M. Mehta said...

Love the blog, Cord!! Tatum is just gorgeous. I can't wait to hear more about the new little one joining your clan!

Shelly said...

OMG, how can you possibly say no to a face like that? I love the "after" pics too. What a cutie.