Monday, September 22, 2008

Good Adjustments

Well....I'm happy to report that "so far, so good." I brought Anne and Tinsley home from the hospital on Thursday and we've been adjusting to our new family ever since. We're so fortunate to have the 2 sweetest little girls on the planet. Tatum seems to adore Tinsley (Tin Tin as she says) and is always gently patting her tummy or covering her up with blankets to go night night. She always asks "where's Tin Tin" and wants to see her. The sweetest thing she does is to stand over Tinsley's crib on her tippy toes and just stare at her sleeping. Just thinking about it makes me tear up. Obviously there's too much damn estrogen in our house and it's working me over. The good news is that the cat and I are becoming a lot closer. We both sit out side and scratch ourselves to remind us that we are still men. Speaking of furry critters...well not really furry...but Lulu is also excited about Tinsley. She is always sniffing her and trying to give her a little lick on the face. She sleeps next to her on the couch and growls when others get near...she's really watching out for her.

Anne seems to be doing really well. She's up and around and walking down the street and driving Tatum to swim lessons. The girl's a tank. Not much slows her down. Tinsley is starting off with great sleeping habits and Anne's working her magic on getting her in a good routine. Tinsley and Anne go to bed around 11:00 and wake up around 2 for a snack and again around 5 and then back to bed. I have the job of going to get her when she cries and bringing her to Anne. I try really hard to do it quickly and quietly so I don't wake myself up in the process and have no problem going back to sleep. I don't know how Anne stays awake but seems to be doing a great job. I have walked in on her 2x sleeping on the job...which I think is so cute and funny...I poke her and she stirs herself up and takes Tinsley back to her crib.

Tinsley is making cute little faces and squeaks and groans. She's just as quiet as a mouse and only cries when she needs something to eat and then dozes back off. The Dr. said she was a little Jondis and to get her a little sun each day. Anne and Tinsley go out and sit in the sun for a few minutes...I got a GREAT picture of them...

Tatum and I had a really fun Sunday. The Marquardts called to go walking around town lake so Tatum and I got dressed and walked the 3 mile loop with them. Tatum made it 2.5 miles and then went to sleep on me but she keeps pointing at the "doggies" and "boats" as we cruised around the trail. After walking we went to Whole Foods and loaded up on some lunch and much deserved chocolate. It was great to spend such a beautiful Sunday walking around the lake with great friends and my cute little sidekick.

Today it was back to work and I was SUPER excited to be there. I feel like I haven't been in the office for a month and I devoted this week to catching up on everything and getting my head screwed back on. I think the reality that I know have 2 weddings, 2 sweet 16's, 2 prom dresses, 2 nicer cars, a shit ton of make up and tampons and not to mention hours of therapy to get through all this...I need to dedicate some time to selling some houses!! I couldn't have picked a better time to be away from work...August is always a slow month and September gets going the 2nd I don't think I've missed much.

I just gave Tatum a bath...or "rain" as she refers to the shower. Anne's mom gave Tatum the coolest tent that we set up in her room. Tonight we read stories laying down in her tent...both our heads on the pillow looking up and the book and pointing to the pictures of the animals, the boats, the moon and the cows. it was awesome. She let's me blow dry her hair as long as she can do mine...we both do about an equal job on making each other look I guess it's good we're both going to bed and not out. She loves to watch herself in the mirror as I blow her hair up from behind and it flies all around her. She keeps saying "Daddy do it" but I don't think realizes that my 1" long hair doesn't exactly blow the same, all I'm doing is blowing more hair out of my head.'s fun and I love doing those special things with her.

I'm glad Tinsley is up so much later. It gives me some time to spend with her after Tatum goes down just holding her during a movie or something. It's amazing to look at your child and think that you had a hand in creating something so wonderful. Speaking of...I'm off to enjoy Tinsley and spend a little Daddy time with her.

Have a great week...

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