Monday, September 15, 2008

Way Behind...

I'm so behind on the blog. Sorry. And truthfully, I don't have a good excuse. I've been spending so much time here at the house I've had more than enough to get this thing updated.

No baby yet! Anne's now 38 weeks and considered "full term." Her due date is the 20th and the Dr. said the chances of baby going full term is "0"... So far we haven't met their expectations on anything else they've said so we're hoping they got this one right. Tonight is the Harvest's the biggest moon of the maybe all the wive's tales of a full moon will be true and if ever there was a full moon to have a baby with, a Harvest Moon would be awesome. If you haven't seen it, GO OUT AND SEE IT! Tonight at 7:42 is when it rises. It's ENORMOUS and orange. Maybe we could name the baby "Harvey" after the moon? I doubt that will fly.

Anne's mom has been with us for going on 3 weeks now and is a great help on so many levels. After everything's done and Tatum's in bed we all find ourselves catching up on trash TV and playing Boggle for 3 or 4 hours every night. We're addicted.

Our cabana appliances got put in (THANK YOU DAD!) and we've used our new grill 3 out of 3 nights. I've never cooked anything on a grill before and love doing it. All meals have been edible, I'm proud to say. I'm excited about learning new techniques and getting things just right so I can cook for friends when they come over.

Tatum remains excited to meet her brother or sister. I still don't think anyone's more excited than Annie. Tatum always says we're having a "boy" but also says she's having a "sister"... She and I have both said "boy" from the beginning and not changed our opinion so we're excited to see if we're right.

The weather is so perfect right now. I love it when it starts to feel like fall. It always makes me want to put on my sweaters and long sleeves but then I end up wearing a furnace by 2:00 in the afternoon. Maybe that would be a good way for me to shed a few lbs (it's all sympathy weight by the way).

My camera equipment is still packed away in the car waiting to capture baby #2 so I don't have much to share. I did snap a few pictures with Anne and a hysterical video of Tatum.  Here's a few pics I have taken recently...

Tatum is starting on Christian Loubitan early.  Dammit.

I can't remember where we were heading but with that smile, I'd take this girl anywhere.

This was Saturday morning walking the mall with Anne and Tatum.  What great smiles.

This is about 2 weeks old.  It was Tatum's first day back at school.

Okay...check this out.  Imagine this little girl coming and asking for these shoes, a new car, a wedding dress, whatever.  How will I ever say no?  I'm so hosed...  

Tomorrow we're having all the big realtors in town come through our house for a luncheon. Timing couldn't be worse and Annie is a huge trooper for putting up with me on this. We never envisioned that we wouldn't have the baby by now but here we are. We've made up our minds that we really want to build a house and take advantage of my Dad's architecture talent. While we're not putting our house on the market, we are letting the realtors know that it can be bought. It's pretty nerve racking to have all your peers come through and scrutinize your house, especially when you're in the house business. We've been working all week on clearing out rooms and making everything look just right. It's exhausing to go through and makes me appreciate my clients a lot more and what they have to put up with when selling their homes.

Okay...back to work. I have a lot to do between now and tomorrow's lunch. I've also got to get prepared because I'm placing bets that we're having a baby tonight.


1 comment:

Shelly said...

Yea! He's back!
And I can relate on the CL shoe fetish--Reese invariably chooses CL, MB or Gucci to drag out of my closet (and the pickings are slim with those, frankly!). I'm always like: "Stay. Out. Of. MOMMY'S! SHOES!!!!" So nurturing.
Okay, so to guess. I am thinking the 17th....can't wait to hear more!