Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tax Week

This is always an exciting week for me.  For some reason I have all my stuff in Quickbooks and really make an effort to have everyone the things they need and we always end up filing extensions and I'm getting calls 12 hours before the deadline with a panic of "we need this for your tax return."  It always manages to make it in on time but man is it an ordeal.  This was an especially exciting year for taxes.  I can't believe what I pay and seeing what they go for makes me a little ill.  But we live in a great place, right?  I'm telling Anne to enjoy what we've got before the IRS comes and has a yard sale of all our things for their benefit.  Do you think the IRS reads these blogs?  I hope not.  Man...I'm happy to get this week behind me and on to more positive things.

Earlier this week Tatum was running around outside before dinner.  Anne and I were just resting on the lounge chairs watching her.  She decided to put on Anne's shoes and scoot around on her tricycle.  Here's a picture and a little video link...

Tinsley is starting to really stay awake and stare at me.  She looks at me with these piercing eyes and you can tell she's ready to take on the world.  Everyone comments that she seems to be the most alert baby they've seen.  That's the smart stuff she gets from her Mama, that's not from me. Nobody has ever confused me for being alert!  I saw her give 3 genuine smiles this week.  She was lookign at me and i'd rub her chest and she'd let out a shy little smile.  I forgot how prescious those moments are.  

The week was a bit of a blur...very busy at work and Tatum maintained a full week of Monday Swimming, Tuesday School, Wed Ballet (BEE-LAY), Thursday School, Friday Swimming, Saturday a birthday party and Saturday night with PawPaw and Kay.  I don't know how the girl keeps up with her calendar!  

Wed. night was her first halloween event.  I was really sad to miss it...I somehow didn't get everything on MY calendar and was sitting at an open house while Tatum was a bunny rabbit at her school's Halloween Night.  I hated missing it but Anne took some fun pictures for me.  I think Anne said we have 6 Halloween events and Tatum has a different costume for each I'm sure you'll get your fill of costume pictures over the next 2 weeks.

Saturday we had a blast when we all went to a Ranch Party for one of Tatum's Gymboree girlfriends' birthday.  We went on a hayride and pointed out turkeys, deer, axis, birds...tons of fun animals.  Because is was a ranch party Tatum got to wear her cowgirl boots for the first time.  She was so excited.  She pretty much hasn't taken them off since.  She looks like a little cowgirl in her jeans and shirt and steel toed pink boots.  What a cutie...

I think the highlight of Tatum's day was rolling and jumping in the leaves.  They has raked over a big pile of huge sycamore leaves and all the kids were diving and jumping and covering each other up with them.  It was so fun to watch them.  I probably took 100 pictures of her in there playing.  These were my favorite.  

Saturday night Tatum got to stay at Paw Paw's house!  This was the first time she'd stayed over there and she'd been talking about it all week long.  Paw Paw bought her a new big swing, all kind of baby necessities/shampoo/soaps and was ready for her!  When I was leaving her for the night she kind of waved and didn't really care that I was leaving...she was totally in to her surroundings and I was the last thing on her mind.  I felt so good that she was so comfortable.  I got a great voice mail from my Dad the next morning saying that Tatum was unbelievable.  He couldn't believe how much she ate, how fun she was the entire time, how easy her bath and bedtime was cool to hear the excitement in his voice.  Kay was there too and we felt good that someone with some recent experience was close by.  Tatum really loves being around Paw Paw and Kay and they are great to her.  I was scared Dad was going to keep her up until midnight eating cookies and ice cream but he swears she was in bed by 8pm.  They cooked waffles Sunday morning and Tatum renamed it "Paw Paw's toast."  Sweet.  

This afternoon I met Cole, Cross and Netty (Mom) at the Pumpkin Patch to get some pics of Cross.  We were there for probably an hour just watching the kinds run around and play.  Cross took his first steps this week!  I was so excited for him.  I got to see him take 2 steps today and I'm sure many more will soon follow.  Here's a couple of pics from this week's pumpkin patch trip...

Lulu was excited about the Horns victory this week over Missouri. She wore her jersey to cheer them on...

Sorry not too much to write was a great week for all of us and yet again I can't remember half of the stuff we did.  

Oh crud...I forgot...this weekend was our 5 year wedding anniversary!  I didn't' for the day and I was actually well prepared, but I almost forgot to mention that on here!  We had a great dinner at Trio while Dad was watching Tatum and Mom was watching Tinsley. It was a really nice night.  My favorite thing we did was to make a list of the "best moments" since we've known each other.  It was neat to relive them and smile and laugh at things we've done.  Sometimes you run out of things to talk about at dinner and conversation can quickly turn to things that are a little too heavy for a celebratory the "looking back" thing was really fun.  Yes, my idea, thank you.  The romantic in me I suppose.

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