Monday, August 18, 2008

Nothing New

Went to the Dr. this morning. Anne's 2.5cm and 60%. They said we just need to hold tight, keep Anne hanging close to the house and try and let the little bun stay in the oven another week or so. Anne had a good day, Tatum had a good day and Daddy's exhausted. I'm looking forward to Tatum starting her dance class on Wed (Anne bought her the entire dance will certainly follow!) and we're going to do lunch with Reese and Shelly sometime this week. A big "thank you" to Ward, Annie and Avery for taking care of Tatum this morning at a playdate at their house. Tatum had a great time and kept saying "Avery" all day long. She's getting a new word's so fun to watch her learn.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Please tell Anne we're thinking of her and know everything will turn out just fine. That Tatum sure is a little cutie! :) Take care