Friday, August 15, 2008

We're getting close!?

We went to the doctor today for Anne's 8 month pregnancy check-up. When Tatum was born we went in for this same appointment and Anne was 1/2cm dilated and they said "no problem...this is normal, you'll be dilated for a month." 2 days later we had little Tatum in our arms. Today we went in for the same appointment and Anne is 3cm dilated! You can imagine what's going through our heads.

I ran out and picked up the last of the things for the new Baby's room...the crib mattress and the toy chest. So we're now as ready as we can be. All that's remaining are the curtains and the bedding. As you know we don't find out what we're having...we had the Dr. write the sex in a sealed envelope and we gave it to the designer that's helping with our fabrics...we pick a pink and a blue that we like and she orders whatever the envelope tells her to. So....the minute the baby hits, we call and it's delivered and we're done. Incase you were nervous that the curtains wouldn't be in, you can rest easy now. I know that was really bothering you.

Anyway...the Dr. said Anne needs to stay at home and do nothing other than sit in bed, sit on the couch or lay in the pool. In turn, I have to be by her side helping with Tatum and waiting for Anne to yell "it's time." When the Dr. made faces this morning kind of like "hmmmm, well...uh, you're actually 3cm dilated...." we were a little freaked. In our minds that means the baby's coming tomorrow. Lots of people remain dilated for a month but our last experience makes us a little trigger shy. They need the baby to stay in for 10 more days in a perfect world. If it's a girl, she could come as early as Tuesday and her lungs be healthy...if it's a boy it will need to be in about 10 days to make sure (boys lungs don't mature as quickly as girls). After the 10 day period the baby could come at any time and be very healthy and safe and get to go home from the hospital with us.

We've cancelled everything we're supposed to be doing...we had weekend plans at Horseshoe Bay and a couple things next week...all were wiped clean from the calendar. For now we're going to be sitting at home hoping that my check to the City of Austin didn't bounce and that our a/c stays on.

Anne feels great, she seems scared and nervous and I know would never admit it but I can tell in her eyes that she's holding back from a mini-melt down. We're so fortunate to have my mother 3 mins away and Anne's Mom less than 30 mins away...we can get help instantly and be in good shape if we need it. I think we both need a few more weeks to really get ourselves prepared but the minute things are set in motion we'll be eagerly awaiting and ready to take on our new family!

We hope to have friends come over and watch a movie or come eat dinner with us. It will be lonely not seeing everyone out like we always do. Please e-mail anne ( or call her on her cell to keep her company. I couldn't imagine being confined to a bed or a couch for 2 weeks. While we all joke that it sounds like a heck of a good gig, I think in reality it will totally suck.

Keep us in your thoughts and come by and say hello...not too long now!! Yeee haaaaa...

1 comment:

Shelly said...

OMG!!!! So exciting! Let us know if there is anything you need--we can bring by dinner, bring tatum over for a playdate, pick up your mail, etc. Yay! (Also, I am SO relieved about the curtains... ;) )