Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tatum's Birthday Party

It was another good week around Casa Cord. Still not much going on work wise, which is to be expected this time of's too hot to be walking through houses anyway. It seems like in August all the rich folks head for Colorado to escape the heat while the Shiflet's try and lower the temperature by soaking in the pool. I did end up working a good amount this week but lately I've found myself chasing a lot of people and trying to track down deals and houses that people's not the market I'm used to. We're adjusting and it's actually been fun scaling back and staying home and enjoying what we have here at home rather than cruising the globe looking for fun things to do. We have no plans until December when we go back to Vegas for our annual Christmas trip...that is assuming of course that someone buys or sells a house between now and then! I can't wait for this election to be over...election years always seem to be unpredictable for my business. I had 2 highlights this week I think. One was obviously today, enjoying all of Tatum's friends next to the pool celebrating her 2nd birthday which is this coming Wed. The other was simply a dinner at Nordstrom's.
We decided spur of the moment to head to the mall for a bite to eat. We really like the Nordstrom's cafe, granted it's almost as expensive as eating at Sullivan's...but it's close, good and super kid friendly. I called up Anne's sister, Sara, and she joined us. In our Nordstrom's tradition, we ordered our food and then walk Tatum around to keep her entertained while we're waiting on our food. I love the piano players in Nordstrom's. Whenever they're there I take Tatum down and listen and watch her run around the sitting area next to the piano. I'm not sure what sugar high Tatum was on this particular night but she was just going NUTS around the piano. She jumped up in one of the chairs and sat all by herself and just started dancing (if you can call it that) to the music. I thought it would only last a few seconds but after she was consistently gyrating in her chair I couldn't stop laughing and grabbed my camera to get a video of it. You can hear me belly laughing in the background because the girl was just having so much fun. It kind of makes you dizzy to watch her but man, it sure didn't phase here. Here's the link if you want to see it:

The piano player at Nordstrom's saw Tatum reacting to his music and started playing songs just for her. It was so great. He played really elaborate versions of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"...this next video is worth watching just to hear the music. Towards the end of the video Tatum starts singing along to "Old McDonald's Farm"...only she says "EIEIEI"...

It wasn't a particularly special night or anything but just seeing her innocent childish fun was enough to put a smile on my face that lasted a few days. I probably watch her little video 3x a day...and I laugh every time I see it. She's just so sweet and really developing her personality.

Speaking of developing nephew, Cross, is really starting to come out of his shell. He'll be 1 next month and is crawling all over the place. I stopped by to see them the other afternoon and Cross has a new trick. My brother puts Cross in his truck and turns on rap music...Cross then proceeds to dance and drive. It's so funny. He's going to be a gangsta' just like his Dad. Here are 2 videos of him doing it if you want to see...

A few pictures from this week...

Tatum in a cute dress and her crazy little pig tails...

Anne found some wax lips and Tatum kept eating them!

I just love how happy she looks here...
Her Aunt Tara and Uncle Cole bought this dress. SO Tatum...

A great picture of Mom and her Grand Kids...

Kissing Cousins! Tatum and Cross...

For the past few months Tatum has done the cutest thing...we'll say "Tatum, Big Face!" and she opens her mouth as wide as she can and smiles through her eyes at you looking for approval. Then we'll say "little face" and she crinkles her lips, eyes and nose all together. She's not been doing is as often lately so we got a quick video of that to memorialize it...

Today (Sunday) was her birthday party at our pool. Last year we did a pretty big ordeal, which I think is fun for a parent's first birthday party for their child...but this year we just wanted it to be fun. And it was. We invited about 20 friends over...all but 5 I believe have kids. I kept looking around and noticed that I think our friends have the best looking kids I've ever seen. Maybe all kiddos are this cute but I just couldn't stop staring at all their big beautiful eyes and minature little bodies...there's just nothing more perfect that a little kid. Anne planned the entire event and did a mermaid theme. The party was perfect in that it was nothing more than friends swimming, some Central Market finger sandwiches and a great cake. We had a photographer there to capture it for us and once I get the photos back from him, I'll send you a link or something. Tatum was so sweet with everyone and plays so well with all her little friends.

I've got to tell you...the thing that warms my heart the most are Tatum's "adopted uncles"....Uncle Wiggles and Uncle Hanes. Steven and Kyle are in their young 20's and short of practicing making babies, I think kids are the furthest thought from their brain. However...I don't know that there are any friends more crazy for Tatum than they are. I love watching them all play together. When Kyle and Wiggles come over to swim and Tatum is napping, they're legitimately bummed. They keep asking when she's going to be up and when can they play with her. I don't know that Kyle and Wigs have any inhibitions anyway but when Tatum's around there are no boundaries. They turn in to goofy funny 2 year olds right along with her. Maybe their youth gives them more energy to play, I'm not sure but it exhausts me to watch them. They don't get tired and are up for anything with her....wether it's playing in her playhouse, blowing "bobbies"(bubbles) for 15 minutes or cruising the pool in her "boat." Tatum is always on her best behavior for them and wants to show them everything she's got. It's awesome. These aren't from this weekend, but here's a few photos of them a couple of weeks ago. Uncle Wiggles and Tatum were playing in the playhouse and Uncle Kyle was showing Tatum what NOT to drink...right Kyle?

Anne and I were both so excited about the fact that Steven and Kyle took time out from their week and went birthday shopping for Tots. Wiggles got her the worlds biggest bubble blower and Kyle got her the coolest power boat to cruise the pool. I just thought it was so neat and special that 2 guys that are no where near wanting kids put so much thought and effort in to was super cool. Thanks guys for being such great friends to us and especially to Tatum.

We couldn't keep Tatum's candles lit outside so her blowing out the candles wasn't too exciting but what could compare to her 1st birthday watching her experience frosting for the first time? That will be a hard one to beat. The party was scheduled from 11-1 but ended around 6:00. I dont' know that I've ever been so tired...the combination of sun and margaritas and keeping up with all the kids was enough to knock me out! With a 2 hour nap, I'll probably never go to sleep tonight.

We're excited for Wed. to come around and really celebrate Tatum being 2. I can't believe how quickly these 2 years have come and gone. I can't imagine life without her...what a blessing these 2 years have been. A well needed change I always say.

Think of Taters on Wed. and send out a birthday wish for her sometime during the day. We're having our families over and eating pizza and tearing in to her goodies. Speaking of...I haven't got her anything yet. I keep looking around and nothing has grabbed me. I'm going to dedicate Monday and Tuesday to finding something she'll enjoy.

Nigh Night...

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