Sunday, August 17, 2008

Octopus Arms...

Not much to update you on since Friday's entry...other than a few self-reflections and deep thoughts.  

This is HARD.  Anne is basically on bed rest until we're in the "safe zone" to have the baby with fully developed lungs...which worst case would be next Tuesday.  Until then she's allowed to sit in the pool, lay in bed or sit on the couch.  I am now in charge of Tatum's life and really enjoying it.  I did fall asleep on the job this morning around lunch time when Anne and I were both watching her in the family room...and I caught a bit of heat for not doing my part.  I'm not sure how one's supposed to work, play nurse, single parent and keep their sanity.  I'm sure a rash of hate mail will come as a reult of that comment because there are obviously people that do this everyday and do it with a smile.  I'm smiling...on the outside.  

I had to work for a quick hour this morning for some great clients/friends...they just had their 2nd baby and every time I'm around them they look terrified and keep warning me of the storm that's headed my way.  I'm really trying to convince myself that it's all about attitude and to remember that we have someone at the house full time and 4 grandparents eager to jump over at moment's I honestly think we'll brave the storm and come out smelling like a rose.  (note...check future blog...end of Sept/early October for status update here).  I got home and physically couldn't keep my eyes open while Tatum was eating lunch.  It was a well needed break.  I put her down for her nap at 2 and should have napped myself but spent the time straightening up the house and kitchen so my bride wouldn't freak out like has been known to happen when things are left to my own doing.  Once Tatum was awake (4:00) we went to the mall to listen to the piano music and walk around showing off Daddy's pig tail skills.  Should have got a pic but I didn' me, they were damn good.  We both got a cookie and then headed home to swim with my Mom and Cross.  Around 7:00 I cooked noodles and chicken and put a mound of berries on Tatum's plate...she loves fruit.  We both ate well and Tatum delighted in saying "Ruru" (Lulu) and dumped her remaining scraps on the floor....much to Lulu's anticipating appetite.  (It's so funny how Lulu has learned to simply sit under Tatum's high chair and catch what falls or is thrown her way).  Anne sat with us while we ate which was nice to have her out of bed.  A few minutes later I had fingernail clippers darted at me for a comment I made as a result of my washing the towels we used that day so I welcome Anne and her hormones to keep themselves contained to her chamber upstairs until she either gets some medications to subdue them, until the baby comes, or until I get a padded jump suit to wear around the house.  I now know why they won't let those things on airplanes...they really can puncture your skin easier than you might think.  

I survived 2 days and hope to continue.  As long as I can keep large knives and all guns out of Anne's possession, I think I stand a fighting chance.  Then again, I have to sleep sometime so here's to hoping...

We have a Dr. appointment on Monday morning at 9:30 to get an update on Anne's condition (the baby delivery, not her head) and I'm hopeful that will go well.  I really hope we are able to hold off on a delivery for another week and not have to go through the NICU stuff we did with Tatum.  Seeing your helpless little baby under heat lamps wired up all over the place with a needle in their head is not something a parent should have to do.  This is the part where I should give you a link to the March Of Dimes website and ask you to contribute....  I'll save that for later.  

Ok!  Have a great week folks and if anything new and exciting happens I'll be sure to let you know. Sorry no pictures on this one...I think I wore you out on the other entries last week??   

1 comment:

M. Mehta said...

Oh, wow, Cord!!! I'll be thinking of you guys and hoping for another 10 days, although I suspect it must be crazy-hard for poor Anne to be confined!!